Startup of the month


Kortrijk is a city of entrepreneurs, and the abundance of innovative startups serves as living proof. This month, we're visiting Anjo Wychuyse (22), a resident of Aalbeke who has been steering Remes, a digital marketing agency, for the past three years.

At Remes, our focus is on crafting the complete visual package that every business needs. We evaluate the current situation, mission, and visions. We engage in thoughtful discussions and pose questions to arrive at a strategic positioning. This translates into a website, social media presence, product launches, and more. It goes beyond visual branding, and if necessary, we're not afraid to overhaul the entire identity together. I thoroughly enjoy working on narratives that evoke mutual inspiration. Even in smaller projects, like designing packaging or trade show booths, I'm passionate about weaving the corporate story into them. Our creativity flows just as enthusiastically in those.

I'm not a 'numbers entrepreneur.' Organic growth is what matters to me. Everyone involved with Remes should have the opportunity to evolve into the best version of themselves. This commitment consistently translates into a qualitative outcome and, consequently, a stronger company.

Coming from the communication management program at Howest, I found myself at Hangar K early on. It provided a solid foundation and accelerated my growth. As a proud resident of Kortrijk, I remain loyal to the city where I started, even as an entrepreneur.

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At Remes, our focus is on crafting the complete visual package that every business needs. We evaluate the current situation, mission, and visions. We engage in thoughtful discussions and pose questions to arrive at a strategic positioning. This translates into a website, social media presence, product launches, and more. It goes beyond visual branding, and if necessary, we're not afraid to overhaul the entire identity together. I thoroughly enjoy working on narratives that evoke mutual inspiration. Even in smaller projects, like designing packaging or trade show booths, I'm passionate about weaving the corporate story into them. Our creativity flows just as enthusiastically in those.

I'm not a 'numbers entrepreneur.' Organic growth is what matters to me. Everyone involved with Remes should have the opportunity to evolve into the best version of themselves. This commitment consistently translates into a qualitative outcome and, consequently, a stronger company.

Coming from the communication management program at Howest, I found myself at Hangar K early on. It provided a solid foundation and accelerated my growth. As a proud resident of Kortrijk, I remain loyal to the city where I started, even as an entrepreneur.

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